Social Media
Below you can find a list of social media accounts and hash tags belonging to the class or other groups at Harvard.
The most active social media presence of the class is on the Harvard Class of 1990 Facebook group. Over 800 members of the class are on this group, where they exchange news, information and updates about the class and life events. Class events are also often posted on the Facebook group.
Other Harvard related pages include Harvard University, the HAA, and Harvard College Alumni (HCA)
On instagram, we use the hashtag #harvard90.
That Harvard Alumni Association has an account. Harvard College Alumni also has an account.
The class has a Goodreads group and list of for books written by members of the class.
Crimson Connect
If you participate in social media and want to earn points to making posts related to Harvard, you can sign up for Crimson Connect, powered by a third party service, Social Toaster. To join Crimson Connect, you do have to connect at least one of your own social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or LinkedIn)