Reunion Committee

These are the classmates who volunteered to help organize the reunion. This list is a draft and may be inaccurate. Apologies for any errors or omissions. Please contact us and they will be corrected.

If you have questions or want to get involved, please contact the relevant person. If you have questions about the reunion in general, please contact that HAA reunion office at Our HAA liaison is Lily Gillespie.

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Diana Cheren Nygren

Beth Frates

Mark Solakian

Laurie Spira-Savett

Jennifer Tombaugh



Identify and schedule speakers, panels and other content opportunities

Laurie Spira-Savett leading to coordinate teams of content. Sarah Beck, Nicole DeHoratius, Stephanie Altman Dominus, Patty Keane Dowden, Jody Fink, Kim Harris Gardner, Barbara Garza, Michael Goldhaber, Sarah Kariko, Jason Koh, Jean Kwok, Joe Martinez , Jessie Steigerwald, Melody Webb on committee to date.

  • Panels - Nicole DeHoratius, Patty Keane Dowden, Barbara Garza

  • Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) -

  • Discussions - Stephanie

  • Moth Storytelling - Barbara Garza, Melody Webb, and Laurie Spira-Savett

  • Author Event - Robbie Baxter and Sue Sisak Keller

  • Slide Show - Diana Cheren Nygren


Women’s Suffrage Centennial - Victoria Chu Pao, Jessica Steigerwald, Namita Luthra (Anil’s Shrivastava’s spouse). Identification and coordination of activities to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment; may be Radcliffe related activities

Class Meet-up - Andy Freed


Panels, SIGs, and Discussions - Content Committee

Class Survey - Andy Freed to co-chair, with Seth Faler and Anil Shrivastava (Hadji). Create and distribute survey; present results

Evening Activities and Late Night - Meena Bansal , Nicole DeHoratius, Graham Edwards, and and Rachel Kirch. Develop and coordinate programming for Saturday night.


Harvard Chase - Gina Berardi Wilcox and Sandy Kahn, with Theo Lubke ’89. Replication and coordination of activities related to the on-campus “escape room / scavenger hunt” game.

Panels, SIGs, and Storytelling - Content Committee

Evening Activities and Late Night - As above.


Memorial Service - Tyler Chapman and Sarah Kariko. Develop and coordinate memorial activities to honor deceased classmates.

Other Programming

Volunteer Programming - Melody Webb. Selection and coordination of on-campus volunteer activity, ideally through PBH.

Family Programming - Open. Recognizing that the family / children activities for the 30th are up to the class and much diminished from the 25th, develop and coordinate family-friendly or children-specific programming.


Dorm Captains

Contact and encourage attendance from fellow dorm-mates

  • Apley Court - Open

  • Canaday - Meena Bansal

  • Grays - Melody Webb

  • Greenough - Open

  • Hollis - Open

  • Holworthy - Open

  • Hurlbut - Open

  • Lionel - Open

  • Mass Hall - Open

  • Matthews - Beth Pegg Frates

  • Mower - Liddy Pearson Garr

  • Pennypacker - Char Joslin

  • Prescott St - Open

  • Stoughton - Graham Edwards

  • Straus - Joe Martinez, Duncan Wilson

  • Thayer - Anil Shrivastava (Hadji)

  • Weld - Dan Dougherty

  • Wigglesworth - Patty Keane Dowden

House Captains

Contact and encourage attendance from fellow house-mates

  • Adams - Melody Webb, Sarah Beck

  • Cabot - Stephanie Altman Dominus

  • Currier - Liddy Pearson Garr

  • Dudley - Graham Edwards

  • Dunster - Sue Sisak Keller, Anil Shrivastava (Hadji)

  • Eliot - Open

  • Kirkland - Dan Dougherty, Meena Bansal

  • Leverett - Patty Keane Dowden, Seth Faler

  • Lowell - Nina Castro Owens

  • Mather - Steph Faro Ruperto

  • North - Tim Kierstead, Kaari Reierson

  • Quincy - Victoria Chu Pao

  • Winthrop - Duncan Wilson, Joe Martinez

Other Committees

Class Gift

Beth Pegg Frates leading for reunion activity committee coordination, with many classmates on development team. Outreach and coordinate of development funds credited to our 30th reunion.

Class Report

Mark Solakian - Coordinating submissions to the class report and encouraging participation.


Gil Citro - Posting updates on the class website and in the reunion app. Maintaining class email list for newsletter and other updates.

Graham Edwards, Andy Freed, Sue Sisak Keller, Diana Cheren Nygren - Posting reunion updates on Facebook, Instagram and other class-used social media channels.

Sue Sisak Keller, Anil Shrivastava - Writing newsletters and reunion updates for the class.


Reunion Co-chairs with input from committee. Selection of H90 specific gift (physical or virtual) for all reunion attendees.