This is a list of books written by classmates. There also is a class Group on Goodreads.
Joshua Auerbach. Radius of Light. DC Books, 2007.
Laura Auricchio. Adélaïde Labille Guiard: Artist in the Age of Revolution. J. Paul Getty Museum, 2009.
Laura Auricchio. The Marquis: Lafayette Reconsidered. Knopf, 2014.
Laura Auricchio. Invaluable Trees: Cultures of Nature, 1660-1830. Liverpool University Press, 2012.
Laura Auricchio and Melissa Lee Hyde (Text). Jordana Pomeroy Ed. Royalists to Romantics: Women Artists from the Louvre, Versailles, and Other French National Collections. Scala Books, 2012.
Jenny Lyn Bader. None of the Above. Dramatists Play Service, 2009.
Jenny Lyn Bader. "Supernatural Seminar." Best 10-Minute Plays: 2015. Smith & Kraus, forthcoming 2015.
Jenny Lyn Bader. "Pink Grey Maroon." Best 10-Minute Plays: 2014. Smith & Kraus, 2014.
Jenny Lyn Bader. "Anniversary Season." Best 10-Minute Plays: 2013. Smith & Kraus, 2013.
Jenny Lyn Bader. "Popcorn Sonata." Writing the 10-Minute Play. Limelight/Applause, 2012.
Jenny Lyn Bader. "Oppression and Pearls." Best 10-Minute Plays: 2012. Smith & Kraus, 2012.
Jenny Lyn Bader. "Best Friends." Best 10-Minute Plays: 2011. Smith & Kraus, 2011.
Jenny Lyn Bader. "Valentine's Play." Best 10-Minute Plays: 2009. Smith & Kraus, 2009.
Jenny Lyn Bader. "One Night at Your Local Superstore." Best 10-Minute Plays: 2007. Smith & Kraus, 2007.
Jenny Lyn Bader. "Past Lives." Best 10-Minute Plays: 2007. Smith & Kraus, 2007.
Jenny Lyn Bader. "The Third First Blind Double Date." Best 10-Minute Plays: 2007. Smith & Kraus, 2007.
Jenny Lyn Bader. "Manhattan Casanova." Leading Women, Vol II. Vintage, 2002.
Jenny Lyn Bader. "Worldness." Heaven and Hell (on Earth): A Divine Comedy. Dramatists Play Service, 2001.
Jenny Lyn Bader. "Larger Than Life." Next: Young American Writers on the New Generation. W.W. Norton & Co., 1995.
Jenny Lyn Bader and Bill Brazell. He Meant, She Meant. Warner Books.
David Benahum. Extra Life: Coming of Age in Cyberspace. Basic Books, 1999. Explores and describes the origins of digital culture, situating it in the historical context of the onset of the first personal computers, arcade games, and youth.
James Berman. Lessons From the Lemonade Stand: A Common Sense Primer on Investing., 2012.
Devin K. Binder, D. Christian Sonne, and Nancy J. Fischbein, Ed. Cranial Nerves: Anatomy, Pathology, Imaging. Thieme, 2010.
Katherine Elaine Bliss. Compromised Positions: Prostitution, Public Health, and Gender Politics in Revolutionary Mexico City. Penn State University Press, 2002.
Susanna L. Blumenthal, Law and the Modern Mind: Consciousness and Responsibility in American Legal Culture. Harvard University Press, forthcoming fall 2015.
Debora Bodenheimer and Valerie Posey. Literature Circles: A Complete Guide for the Middle Grades. Creative Teaching Press, 2004.
Catherine Carstairs. Jailed for Possession: Illegal Drug Use, Regulation and Resistance in Canada, 1920-1961. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006.
Catherine Carstairs and Nancy Janovicek, Ed. Feminist History in Canada: New Essays on Women, Gender, Work and Nation. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013.
Curtis Chang. Engaging Unbelief. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2000.
Constance M Chen. The Sex Side of Life: Mary Ware Dennett’s Pioneering Battle for Birth Control and Sex Education. New Press, 1997. A biography of a leader of the American Arts and Crafts movement, suffragist, peace activist, sex education advocate, and crusader for the legalization of birth control, this book illustrates how one woman discreetly and diligently worked to transform the social and sexual mores of her time.
T. Susan Chang. A Spoonful of Promises: Recipes and Stories from a Well-Tempered Table. Lyons Press, 2011.
Farai Chideya. Trust: Reaching the 100 Million Missing Voters and Other Selected Essays. Soft Skull Press, 2004.
Farai Chideya. The Color of Our Future: Race in the 21st Century. Harper Perennial, 2000.
Farai Chideya. Kiss the Sky. Atria, 2009. Set in the world of alternative rock and "black rock" in the 1990s, with themes including marital fidelity and drug addiction that parallel the height of the MTV era and add to it themes of race and global pop culture.
Farai Chideya. Don't Believe the Hype: Fighting Cultural Misinformation About African Americans. Plume, 1995.
Farai Chideya and Vivek Wadhwa. Innovating Women: The Changing Face of Technology. Diversion Books, 2014. Compiles true stories of women who have shattered the glass ceiling in the world of tech, as well as ones who are still waiting to break through on issues of life, family, work, and equal access to funding.
Jill Citron Katz. The Archaeology of Cult in Middle Bronze Age Canaan: The Sacred Area at Tel Haror, Israel. Gorgias Press, 2009.
Deborah Cohen. Family Secrets: Shame and Privacy in Modern Britain. Oxford University Press, 2013.
Deborah Cohen. Household Gods: The British and Their Possessions. Yale University Press, 2006.
Deborah Cohen. The War Come Home: Disabled Veterans in Britain and Germany, 1914-1939. University of California Press, 2001.
Lynda Cohen Loigman. The Two Family House. St. Martin's Press, forthcoming Winter 2016.
Heather Cross. Wilberforce. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, forthcoming September 2015.
Leslie R. Crutchfield and Heather McLeod Grant. Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High Impact Nonprofits (J-B US non-Franchise Leadership). Jossey-Bass, 2007. After studying 12 of the most successful nonprofits of our time, the authors have distilled the secrets to creating large-scale social change: it’s not just about managing perfect organizations, but rather about working across sectors, building networks, cultivating adaptive leadership, and changing entire systems.
Leslie R. Crutchfield, John V. Kania and Mark R. Kramer. Do More Than Give: The Six Practices of Donors Who Change the World. Jossey-Bass, 2011. As modern, catalytic modes of philanthropy displace the older, traditional approaches to giving, today’s leading donors use these catalytic practices to solve social and environmental problems and drive systemic change, rather than simply write checks to charities or put their names on buildings at prestigious institutions to preserve their legacies.
Kimberly Chabot Davis. Beyond the White Negro: Empathy and Anti-Racist Reading. University of Illinois Press, 2014. This interdisciplinary book examines how engagement with African-American literature, film, and hip-hop culture can lead white people to develop self-critical empathy and anti-racist politics.
Kimberly Chabot Davis. Postmodern Texts and Emotional Audiences. Purdue University Press, 2007.
Sharon Epperson. The Big Payoff: 8 Steps Couples Can Take to Make the Most of Their Money - and Live Richly Ever After. William Morrow, 2007.
Sarath Fernando. The New Beats: Exploring The Music, Culture & Attitudes of Hip-Hop. Anchor/Doubleday, 1994.
Sarath Fernando. Rice & Curry: Sri Lankan Home Cooking. Hippocrene Books, 2011.
Matt Flynn Sunny Mehta and Ed Miller. Professional No-Limit Hold 'em. Two Plus Two Publishing, 2007.
Matt Flynn Sunny Mehta and Ed Miller. Small Stakes No-Limit Hold 'em. Dimat Enterprises, 2010.
Ross Forman. China and the Victorian Imagination: Empires Entwined. Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Wendy Francis. Three Good Things. Thorndike Press, 2013. Ellen McClarety has opened a new bake shop in her small Midwestern town, hoping to turn her life around by dedicating herself to the traditional Danish pastry called kringle, but the past still haunts her -- sometimes by showing up on her doorstep.
Wendy Francis. The Summer of Good Intentions: A Novel. Simon & Schuster, forthcoming 2015. A tender and vivid portrait of a family by the sea, of three unforgettable sisters and the tidal pull of their love and secrets that will make you look at your own family in fresh, new ways.
Chrystia Freeland. Sale of the Century: Russia's Wild Ride from Communism to Capitalism. Crown, 2000.
Chrystia Freeland. Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else. Doubleday Canada, 2012.
Stephen Gantz. The Basics of IT Audit. Burlington, MA: Syngress, 2013.
Stephen Gantz. FISMA and the Risk Management Framework: The New Practice of Federal Cyber Security. Burlington,MA: Syngress, 2013.
Misha Glouberman and Sheila Heti. The Chairs Are Where the People Go: How to Live, Work, and Play in the City. Faber & Faber, 2011. The author Sheila Heti had the idea to write a book of everything her friend Misha knows, so he talked and she typed, documenting a conversation between two Canadians about improvisation, friendship, cities, work, noisy neighbors, smoking, and more.
Ari Goldfield. "The Innate Awareness of Buddhist Wisdom." The World’s Great Wisdom: Timeless Teachings from Religions and Philosophies. Ed. Roger Walsh. Albany: SUNY Press, 2014.
Ari Goldfield. "Joining with Naturalness." Freeing the Body, Freeing the Mind: Writings on the Connections Between Yoga and Buddhism. Ed. Michael Stone. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2010.
Ari Goldfield, Translator. The Sun of Wisdom: Teachings on the Noble Nagarjuna’s Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way, by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2003.
Ari Goldfield, Jules Levinson, Jim Scott and Birgit Scott, Translators. The Moon of Wisdom: Chapter Six of Chandrakirti’s Entering the Middle Way. Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications, 2005.
Ari Goldfield and Rose Taylor, Translators. Stars of Wisdom: Analytical Meditation, Songs of Yogic Joy, and Prayers of Aspiration, by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2010.
Michael D. Goldhaber. A People's History of the European Court of Human Rights. Rutgers University Press, 2010.
Michael D. Goldhaber. Crude Awakening: Chevron in Ecuador. RosettaBooks, 2014.
Kevin Gordon. Not Yet African. Passeggiata Press, 1998.
Jill Harrison Berg. Improving the Quality of Teaching Through National Board Certification. Christopher-Gordon Publishers, 2003.
Tim Harte. Fast Forward: The Aesthetics and Ideology of Speed in Russian Avant-Garde Culture, 1910-1930. University of Wisconsin Press, 2009.
Chad Heap. Summing: Sexual and Racial Encounters in American Nightlife, 1885-1940 (Historical Studies of Urban America). University of Chicago Press, 2010. Charting well-to-do whites’ often-salacious excursions into the socially marginalized nightspots of New York and Chicago, this book shows how their cross-racial and sexual encounters in these spaces helped shape the public’s understanding of race and sexuality in late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century America.
Leta Hong Fincher. Leftover Women: The Resurgence of Gender Inequality in China. Zed Books, 2014. This innovative analysis of the state of urban, professional, Chinese women is an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to understand the key socioeconomic transformations in contemporary China.
Mark L. Joseph and Robert J. Chaskin. Integrating the Inner City: The Promise and Perils of Mixed-Income Public Housing Transformation. University of Chicago Press, forthcoming November 2015.
B.R. Karney & T.N. Bradbury. Intimate Relationships. New York: W.W. Norton, 2010.
B.R. Karney & T.N. Bradbury. Love Me Slender: How Smart Couples Team Up To Lose Weight, Exercise More, and Stay Healthy Together. New York: Touchstone, 2014.
Robbie Kellman Baxter. The Membership Economy. McGraw-Hill Professional, forthcoming 2015. This book documents the major transformational trend taking place as organizations across virtually every industry transition from ownership to access, and from emphasizing transactions to emphasizing relationships.
Peter Klibanoff, Alvaro Sandroni, Boaz Moselle and Brett Saraniti. Managerial Statistics: A Case-Based Approach. Cengage Learning, 20016.
James Kwak and Simon Johnson. 13 Bankers: The Wall Street Takeover and the Next Financial Meltdown. Pantheon, 2010.
James Kwak and Simon Johnson. White House Burning: The Founding Fathers, Our National Debt, and Why it Matters to You. Pantheon, 2012.
Jean Kwok. Girl in Translation. Riverhead Trade, 2011. An international bestseller and already a part of the curriculum in schools around the world, this is the semi-autobiographical story of a young immigrant in America, a smart girl who, living a double life between school and sweatshop, understands that her family's future is in her hands.
Jean Kwok. Mambo in Chinatown. Riverhead Hardcover, 2014. This award-winning novel about a young woman torn between her family duties in Chinatown and her escape into the world of ballroom dancing has been called delightful, riveting, and heartwarming.
Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes. Queer Ricans: Cultures and Sexualities in the Diaspora. University of Minnesota Press, 2009.
Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes. Uña pintadas de azul/Blue Fingernails. Arizona: Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe, 2009.
Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes. Abolición del pato. San Juan de Puerto Rico: Terranova Editores, 2013.
Camille Landau and Tiare White. What They Don't Teach You at Film School: 161 Strategies For Making Your Own Movie No Matter What. Hachette Books, 2000. You don’t need to go to film school to make films, and this book will give you ways to overcome the hurdles to get going, starting with your own insecurities.
Lois Leveen. The Secret of Mary Bowser. William Morrow Paperbacks, 2012. Based on the true story of a former slave who became a Union spy in the Confederate White House, this book reveals details of antebellum life in the African American communities of Richmond, Virginia, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and demonstrates how white and black abolitionists in the South worked together to end slavery.
Lois Leveen. Juliet's Nurse. Atria/Emily Bestler Books, 2014. Imagining the 14 years leading up to the events in Romeo and Julietfrom the point-of-view of one of Shakespeare's most memorably comic/ribald/tragic characters, this novel will give you new insight (and lots of in-jokes) into the world's most famous love story.
Alex Lewin. Real Food Fermentation: Preserving Whole Fresh Food with Live Cultures in Your Home Kitchen. Quarry Books, 2012. Learn to preserve your food by forging key alliances in the microbe world, adding interest and flavor to the food along the way; let go of the futile and misguided “war on bacteria.”
Michael Lord, Donald deBethizy and Jeffrey Wager. Innovation That Fits: Moving Beyond the Fads to Choose the Right Innovation Strategy for Your Business. Financial Times Press, 2005.
Tim Marks, Jamie Pommersheim and Erica Flapan. Number Theory: A Lively Introduction withe Proofs, Applications, and Stories. Wiley, 2010.
Peter Meyers. Breaking the Page: Transforming Books & the Reading Experience. self published, 2014.
Kay Moffett. Not Your Mother's Divorce: A Practical, Girlfirend-to-Girlfriend Guide to Surviving the End of a Young Marriage. Harmony, 2003.
Andrea Montalbano. Breakaway. Philomel, 2010. Breakaway and the Soccer Sisters Series are middle-grade novels that follow the travails and exploits of a competitive girls soccer team, exploring moral dilemmas encountered in the context of sports in modern America.
Andrea Montalbano. Lily Out of Bounds (Soccer Sisters #1). In This Together Media, 2012.
Andrea Montalbano. Vee Caught Offside (Soccer Sisters #2). In This Together Media, 2013.
Francesca Morgan. Women and Patriotism in Jim Crow America. University of North Carolina Press, 2005.
Francesca Morgan. "Lineage as Capital: Genealogy in Antebellum New England." New England Quarterly, vol. 83, no. 1 (June 2010): 250-282.
Francesca Morgan. "A Noble Pursuit? The Embourgeoisement of Genealogy, and Genealogy's Making of the Bourgeoisie." The American Bourgeoisie: Distinction and Identity in the Nineteenth Century. Ed. Sven Beckert and Julia Rosenbaum, 135-152. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Lukas Oberhuber. Flicking. 2014. Available on Amazon as an ebook.
Catherine Orenstein. Little Red Riding Hood Uncloaked: Sex, Morality, and the Evolution of a Fairy Tale. Basic Books, 2003.
Katherine Ozment. Grace Without God: The Search for Meaning, Purpose, and Belonging in a Secular Age. Forthcoming 2015.
Arthur Phillips. Angelica. Random House, 2007.
Arthur Phillips. The Song is You. Random House, 2009.
Arthur Phillips. Prague. Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2003.
Arthur Phillips. The Egyptologist. Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2005.
Arthur Phillips. The Tragedy of Arthur. Random House, 2011.
Lara Putnam. Company They Kept. University of North Carolina Press, 2002.
Lara Putnam. Radical Moves: Caribbean Migrants and the Politics of Race in the Jazz Age. University of North Carolina Press, 2013.
Nico Raposo. Shoot the Crow: A Missing Star and a Deadly Hitman on the Trail. (Bollywood Knights). Penguin, 2011.
Nico Raposo. Shoot the Peacock: Who Wants to Kill the Heroine? (Bollywood Knights). Penguin, 2011.
Nico Raposo. Shoot the Falcon (Bollywood Knights). Penguin, 2012.
Nico Raposo. Shoot the Bluebird (Bollywood Knights). Puffin, 2014.
Christopher Llewellyn Reed. Film Editing: Theory and Practice. Mercury Learning & Information, 2012.
Katie Roiphe. Last Night in Paradise: Sex and Morals at the Century's End. Vintage, 1997.
Katie Roiphe. The Morning After: Sex, Fear, and Feminism. Back Bay Books, 1994.
Katie Roiphe. Still She Haunts Me. Delta, 2002.
Katie Roiphe. Uncommon Arrangements: Seven Portraits of Married Life in London Literary Circles 1910-1939. The Dial Press, 2007.
Katie Roiphe. In Praise of Messy Lives: Essays. The Dial Press, 2012.
Alex Ross. The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007.
Alex Ross. Listen to This. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010.
Linda Rottenberg. Crazy is a Compliment: The Power of Zigging When Everyone Else Zags. Penguin, 2014.
Andrew Sabl. Ruling Passions: Political Offices and Democratic Ethics. Princeton University Press, 2002.
Andrew Sabl. Hume's Politics: Coordination and Crisis in the History of England. Princeton University Press, 2012.
Greg Schmergel, Ed. U.S. Foreign Policy in the 1990s. Macmillan and St. Martin's Press, 1991.
Laura Secor. "Froggies." Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction. Ed. Al Sarrantonio and Catherine Asaro. Roc Hardcover, 2001.
Julia L. Shear. Polis and Revolution: Responding to Oligarchy in Classical Athens. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Juliet Siler Eastland. "My Black Boots." The Best Travel Writing, Vol. 9. Solas House, CA, 2012.
Juliet Siler Eastland. "Night and Day." Mamas & Papas: On the Sublime and Heartbreaking Art of Parenting. San Diego City Works Press, CA, 2010.
Juliet Siler Eastland. "Sweet Sheets." Dirt: The Quirks, Habits, and Passions of Keeping House. Seal Press, CA, 2009.
Juliet Siler Eastland. "Accommodations." Goose River Anthology. Goose River Press, ME, 2008.
Juliet Siler Eastland. "Sitting in With Harold." Tribute to Orpheus: Prose & Poetry about Music or Musicians. Kearney Street Books, WA, 2007.
Juliet Siler Eastland. "Video Violence Would Become Flower Power." If Women Ruled the World. Inner Ocean Publishing, CA, 2004.
Juliet Siler Eastland. "Epiphany in F." A Matter of Choice: 25 People who Transformed Their Lives. Seal Press, CA, 2004.
Juliet Siler Eastland. "Questions for Caren." Secrets & Confidences: The Complicated Truth about Women's Friendships. Seal Press, CA, 2004.
Jeffrey Sosland. Cooperating Rivals: The Riparian Politics of the Jordan River Basin. SUNY Press, 2008.
Lucy Soutter. Why Art Photography? London: Routledge, 2013. A guide to the conceptual debates and contextual paradoxes that give contemporary art photography its value and meaning.
John P. Stanley. Mickey Price: Journey to Oblivion. Tanglewood Press, 2013.
Jessica Steigerwald. We Are Lexington: Celebrating 300 Years, 1713-2013.
Valerie Steiker. The Leopard Hat: A Daughter's Story. Pantheon, 2001.
Valerie Steiker and Chris Knutsen, Ed. Brooklyn Was Mine. Riverhead, 2008.
Dawn Tripp. The Season of Open Water: A Novel. Random House, 2005.
Dawn Tripp. Moon Tide: A Novel. Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2004.
Dawn Tripp. Game of Secrets: A Novel. Random House, 2011.
Melinda Tuan. "Capacity Builders." New Frontiers of Philanthrophy: A Guide to the New Tools and New Actors That Are Reshaping Global Philanthropy and Social Investing. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Melinda Tuan. "Cultivating a Culture of Measurement." Funding Effectiveness: Lessons in Building Nonprofit Capacity. SanFrancisco: Jossey-Bass, 2004.
Claire Valente. The Theory And Practice Of Revolt In Medieval England. Ashgate Publishing.