35th Participation
Reunion Committe Volunteers
THANK YOU to so many who are volunteering to bring our 35th Reunion to life! Our leadership team is below. Please join the planning and fun, and reach out to any of these terrific classmates if you want to help. Note a few opportunities are still available!
Co-Chairs: Robbie Kellman Baxter, Beth Pegg Frates, Diana Cheren Nygren, Laurie Spira-Savett, Jenn Tombaugh
Treasurer—Genie Carris, Duncan Wilson
Newsletter Lead—David Coale
House Communications Lead and Chairs—Elaine Frenkel-Popell, Laura Slover
Winthrop: Jody Fink
Lowell: Genie Carris
Kirkland: Dan Dougherty
Eliot: Julie Clifford Small
Adams: Camille Landau
Dunster: Sue Keller
Leverett: Patty Keane Dowden, Seth Faler
Quincy: Arnetta Girardeau, Nick Dowling
North/Pforzheimer: Larissa Stillman
Cabot: Jim Colopy
Currier: Jeff Bray, Nicole DeHoratius, Julene Penner
Mather: Jason Koh
Dudley: Still need a volunteer!
Pre-union Gathering Leads—Robbie Kellman Baxter & Beth Frates
Content Lead for Panels, Mini-TED talks and Speakers—Laurie Spira-Savett
Class Survey Lead--Andy Freed with Tammie Ruda, Eleni Theochari
Memorial Service Lead—Tyler Chapman, Jonathan, Sarah Kariko
Choral and Musical Lead—Oscar Alcantara
Wellness Weekend Activities Lead—Beth Pegg Frates with Priya Monahan, Sara Melson (both yoga) and Tina Pretre Lount—Run
Author’s Showcase Lead– Bruce Y Lee
Logo Design Lead—Diana Cheren Nygren, Andy Freed
Class Store Lead—Patty Keane, Sarah Kariko, Sue Keller, Diana Cheren Nygren
Website—Gil Citro, Diana Cheren Nygren, Anil Shrivastava
Thursday Night (Smith Center) Lead—Alex Lewin
Friday Night Lead—Tim Kierstead, Lisa Wolfe
Friday After Hours Team—Lisa Cutone Bacon, Juliet Eastland, Julie Clifford Small, Pip Sanders, Barbara Garza (Charlie’s Kitchen)
Saturday Evening Lead—Sue Keller, Larissa Stillman
Saturday After Hours Lead--Julio Varela (Hong Kong)
Sunday Brunch Lead—Patty Dowden, Tyler Chapman
Call for Authors, Musicians, and Artists
Reunion Author’s Event. Bruce Y. Lee is spearheading the Author’s Event at reunion, and Robbie Kellman Baxter is updating our The Harvard 1990 Goodreads Book page. If you have written a book (or know of a classmate who has) please let her know and she’ll add their name to the list. If you're not part of the Goodreads page yet, please join!
Request for Musicians for Reunion Memorial Service Oscar Alcantara is leading our Reunion Memorial Service Choir and has this request. “On Sunday morning of our 35th Class Reunion in Cambridge (Sunday, June 8), we will be conducting a Memorial Service in memory of our dear classmates who have passed. We would like the service to include a choral ensemble comprised of our classmates and other instrumental music to be performed by members of the Class of '90. If you would like to participate as a vocalist in the class choir, or as an instrumentalist during the service, please reach out to me, as I will be coordinating the musical elements of the service.”
Calling All Artists! Diana Cheren Nygren announces: “For our upcoming reunion we are putting together a book of classmates' art. If you are an artist, please send a jpg or pdf of work you would like included in the book. Visual artists - please feel free to include a statement or description where applicable. If there are poets in the class, we will also include poetry.”