35th Pre-Reunion Events
In the months leading up to our 35th reunion in Cambridge, there will be many events you can participate in, both in person all over the world, and virtual from any location. This page will help you find those events.
Events with a physical location will be shown on the map. The color of the event indicates the month. Events which have a specific time will be posted on the calendar, and there will be a link from the map pin to the calendar.
There also are some events in the planning stage which do not have a specific place / time yet. Those are listed below in the text, with information for how you can help plan them.
Finally, HAA is sponsoring some virtual events, and also organizing shared interest groups, which may sponsor virtual events and/or reunion programming across multiple classes.
Check back on this page for updated information as event planning continues!
In person events are shown in the time zone of the location. Virtual events are shown in EST.
Events In Planning
March or April Virtual International Gathering. Sarah Strasser and Inci Yalman are organising a virtual event in March or April on the theme of being a Harvard graduate outside of the US. We hope to have a panel discussion and time for open conversation. If you would like to help organise the event, please contact Sarah or Inci.
Try Curling in the Bay Area! Jennifer Ting will organize a group at Bay Area Curling.
Get Fit for our Reunion Are you planning to come to our reunion? Feeling a little less fit than 35 years ago? No worries, we can start working on that now - just email Coach Tina Phase a.k.a. Tina Lount Pretre, and we’ll get you going NOW with a build-up running plan to make whatever distance goal you might have for the reunion morning run. Target Wellness run distances can be 1, 2, 5, 7, 9 miles (or anything in between) followed by coffee (Pavement Coffee) and chocolate (Cardullos) in the square for Saturday morning runners to launch your reunion feeling fit and energetic. No experience necessary. Let’s go! Sign up here. #BostonStrong #H90Strong
Note: If you would rather grab a coffee first and walk with classmates you can also join the '90 Wellness Walk happening at the same time! Saturday, June 7th, 2025 8am - meet at Flour in the SquareWe will have a private tour of Houghton Library during our reunion on June 6th and see their treasures including rare books and manuscripts from or about the Renaissance, the history of the Americas, Litvak (Russian Empire/Lithuanian Jewish) history, J.P. Morgan and the history of finance, and much more. If you are interested, please contact Arnetta Girardeau
Organize an Event
If you don't see an event near you and you'd like to organize one, simply pick a time and place, and tell us about it. Robbie Baxter and Beth Pegg Frates are compiling a list. Let them know, so that we can post your event on the website, send out a targeted email to classmates who live near you, and include it in future newsletters.
HAA Virtual Programs
The HAA is hosting special reunion programming year-round to mark our reunion year. The virtual program is available to all 2025 reunioning alumni and HAA Crimson Society members
HAA Shared Interest Groups
What are Harvard SIGs? The HAA shares they are “alumni communities formed around shared identities, professions, and interests. Unlike traditional regional Clubs, SIGs transcend geographical boundaries, allowing you to unite with alumni who resonate deeply with your professional and personal affinities. Participating in the SIG Showcase gives you another chance to connect with classmates and other alums who share your purpose and passions ahead of your Reunion in June.”
To facilitate cross-class interest, the HAA is sponsoring the 2025 Shared Interest Group (SIG) Showcase from February 4 to 6. Register here.
On our reunion weekend, there will be time on Friday afternoon for House and other Mini-Reunions and Shared Interest Group meetups. Official SIG events will be planned by the SIG Presidents. All alumni are welcome to host informal “Mini Reunions”.